Michael Nims


I am a skilled professional analyst with seven years of experience working in government. I am a capable leader, able to use critical thinking to efficiently solve complex problems and achieve shared goals. I am a hard-working, dedicated, and enthusiastic employee. I excel in teaching and mentoring others, fostering teamwork, and encouraging a positive work environment.

Web links

Michael Nims LinkedIn Profile

Michael Nims GIS File Repository

View the Project on GitHub MikeNims/GIS-Professional-Portfolio


This section holds my best projects including term projects completed in the various courses of my graduate program.

Rainforests in Hot Water: Warming Oceans and Their Effect on Wildfires in the Temperate Rainforests of the Pacific Northwest (Capstone Essay)

Parks and Poverty in the Nation’s Capital (Story Map)

Analysis of Covid-19 Infection Rates and deaths (Essay)

Crime and Food insecurity in the Distric of Columbia (Essay)

Crime and Food insecurity in the Distric of Columbia (Story Map)

Social Inequality and Recreation Access in D.C. (Essay)

California Wildfires, Burned area Map (Google Earth Engine App)

This section holds smaller projects including maps created as part of weekly homework assignments

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